My Favorite TIRAMISU Recipe!

by - 5:17 PM

Hello! I can't believe I am actually starting a 'food blog'. Haha! It makes me laugh cuz I am NOT a baker or cook. I just love to eat yummy stuff and take photos of it! However, since we are dealing with a "stay home" order, my actual job of being a photographer has taken a serious hit- meaning, no clients at all *insert super sad music*. 

This is usually a busy time of year with spring photos, wedding prep and travel. Now most of the world is at home if your job isn't essential. So, I have pumped the breaks on my "diet" (which I actually should get back on!) and it has stretched me to be more creative with what I can shoot! Welcome food!! I decided to try and document as much as I can for my own creative sanity and to just inspire (not like you don't already have tons of fabulous people to follow) whoever wants to try something new! These recipes are all over the place and this is just MY rendition of them! What I add in them, which steps I like to do first and then, photograph!! Now, onto why you are probably really here! The RECIPE to the BEST TIRAMISU (in my opinion!)

Here's what you need: INGREDIENTS

  • 8 ounces coffee. I like to use Nescafe Instant Coffee. 2 TBSP + 8oz of hot water. I also add 1/4C of sugar to it!
  • 2 Tbsp Rum (I use the Imitation Rum but do use what you want! Rum or Bailey's!)
  • 40 Ladyfingers
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 3/4 cup sugar (for egg mixture)
  • 16 oz mascarpone cold
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream thats chilled
  • 1/3 cup sugar (for whipping cream)
  • 2-3 Tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder to dust on top.


1. In a bowl, beat cold heavy whipping cream + 1/3 cup of sugar until medium peaks form (about 5-7 minutes). Set aside.

2. Beat 16 oz Mascarpone with 2 Tbsp rum. Set aside.

3. Combine 6 yolks and 3/4 cup sugar in a bowl and whisk over a saucepan of simmering water for 9-10 mins. Consider this your double boiler! Remove from heat.

4. Make your coffee mixture. I like to do instant coffee. 2 Tbsp + 8oz of hot water mixed together. I add 1/4 cup of sugar to make it sweeter.

5. Take your egg mixture and add it to your mascarpone bowl. Beat together.

6. With a spatula, fold in mascarpone/egg misture into your whip cream bowl. Keyword: FOLD. Softly. Til it's all pretty much mixed in. 

7. Dip ladyfingers in coffee mixture and arrange in a 9x13 casserole dish. Spread half of the cream over the first layer of ladyfingers. Dip the remaining ladyfingers and arrange over the cream. Spread on remaining cream. Dust with cocoa powder, cover and refrigerate overnight. Serve next day!

Tips for Best Tiramisu:
  • A quick dip on each side of the ladyfingers is enough. I like to let any excess coffee drip before laying down in the dish. Over-soaked ladyfingers may cause the layers to collapse.
  • When you whisk the yolks and sugar over the steam, make sure bowl isn't touching the water beneath it.
  • When mixing mascarpone, don't over-mix. 30 seconds is enough.
  • There is a difference between Whipping Cream and Heavy Whipping Cream. You need heavy. Beat the heavy whipping ream until medium peaks.
  • Most recipes will tell you to chill cake at least 6 hours but I have chilled an hour and then tried it. I feel it's your preference with Tiramisu.
  • Tiramisu holds well so make it a day or 2 in advance.
  • Leftovers are GREAT refrigerated up to 5 days because there are no raw eggs in the cake. 
  • I like to take it out 20-30 minutes before serving so the cream can be at room temp. I feel the flavors are best like that.

Any extras I have left over (if I am breaking the ladyfingers to fit the dish) I like to make individual cups! Just have fun with it!

Enjoy and have fun!!

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  1. This was so good! Thanks for the delightful treat. <3
